Friday, February 29, 2008

Just another day

It’s the 29th of February. And I won’t get to write that for the next three years. This is why I dragged my fingers out of my Journalism report window and into this blog. Much as I hate interrupting my conscientious effort to produce a 2000 word feature on development journalism, I figured it would be fun to have a blogpost dated 29th Feb.

I got up with a bad dream that a Pomeranian dog had bitten my left hand. I was sitting in the Veterinary Hospital on Rose Garden road, waiting to be treated. (For the life of me I cant understand what I was doing in a Veterinary hospital instead of one inhabited by humans.)

And that was the only remotely exciting thing that happened to me today. Unless I get hold of Freud’s dream interpretation book and realize that I’m actually supposed to expect a windfall…or a knight in shining armour, I guess I'll have to stay satisfied with one extremely weird dream.

So there you go. My February 29 flew by before I could say 'Leap Year'. There was nothing extra-special about the day. But still, it’s a whole 24 hours added to this year. And this leap year promises to be significantly better than the last one. (Which was spent in gloating about the fact that I had 1 extra day to prepare for my 10th bored exams)

I’ve done it! I’ve posted something on the 29th, albeit a little nonsensical. (Okay, very nonsensical). I wish on this day, that by the next 29th of Feb, I will have much more depth in my perception of life and mature blogposting skills. Sigh. Leap years don’t make wishes come true, do they?

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